Yangzhou Wanfang electronic technology Co., Ltd. acceptance publicity

Date: 2019-07-09 / Popularity: / Source: Unknown

Yangzhou Wanfang electronic technology Co., LTD
New machining workshop project
Environmental protection设施
Date of completion and commissioning announced

According to the requirements of National Environmental Regulation Environmental Assessment (2017) No. 4 on the announcement of the Interim Measures for Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Projects, the completion date and public commissioning start and end time of the new machining workshop project of Yangzhou Wanfang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. are publicized as follows:
(a) The construction of the new machining workshop project will start after the EIA approval (Yangguang Environmental Audit [2019]33) is obtained in early June 2019, and the completion date is June 20, 2019;
(2) The new machining workshop project has entered the commissioning period, and the planned commissioning period is from June 21 to August 20, 2019。

Yangzhou Wanfang electronic technology Co., LTD


Author: admin